Grab my free hypnosis to rewire your brain to attract your soul aligned clients
A podcast where we are all about taking your messaging from the toilet to the bank!
I’m here to show you how to bring fun back to your marketing and make your profits rip by being more YOU and showing up unapologetically for your people.
In this episode, we discuss why it’s crucial to stop taking advice and feedback from your worst clients. Many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of letting non-ideal clients shape their content and business decisions. I share real-life examples and actionable insights on how to stay aligned with your best-fit clients and ensure your content speaks directly to them.
Hello. Oh my gosh. I am back with a juicy topic today. I’m really excited. I’m going to keep this one short and sweet. I just really wanted to share about this because it just happened. Earlier today. And I don’t think a lot of people talk about it, so I’m going to talk about it. What am I going to talk about today?
I’m going to talk about how to, or why you should stop taking advice or feedback from your worst clients. Okay? Now, I say this because I have a client. who basically sent me a ton of testimonials that people have left her and some of them I recognized and some of them she has complained to me about being like oh my gosh they were not a great client blah blah blah but that person left her like a raving review a raving testimonial so she was trying to pull data from this testimonial to get clear on her messaging and I basically was like, is this person your idle client?
She’s no, I never want to work with an client. I said then stop using their words, right? Stop using their testimonials and the words that they’re speaking to create content for you. Because if you’re using the words of an eye of an unideal client and then trying to. Put them in your content or describe what it is that you do.
You’re going to attract more of those people because you’re literally speaking quote unquote, their language. And I know it seems silly. I know it seems obvious, but I can’t tell you how many times this happens to me. This happens to me all the time, or I’ll have clients say, like this one client is not paying and I’m super frustrated.
And then they go and they start in their content trying to prove why they should be paid, right? They let this one person get them all emotionally riled up and their thoughts are going all over the place and then they go out and they’re creating content speaking to this person that they don’t even want to work with, that isn’t even an ideal client.
I see it happen all the time. So if you’re with someone or if someone is a client that you’ve worked with that You don’t want to work with anyone else like that, right? They weren’t, maybe they, not that they were a bad client I want to say that, it’s not that they were a terrible client, but they just might not be a client that’s super aligned with you, and that’s totally fine.
If that is the case, do not take feedback from them. Do not. Use their words to describe or to create content around it, right? Like I’ll give you a great example. I’ve had, I’ve seen this happen before. I had a client show me a testimonial of a client that she described was a nightmare to work with. And that client was just, they said really great things about her, but.
They were basically saying, you helped me really gain confidence. You helped me really find clarity on my offer, even though this client didn’t actually go out and market anything, which is why my client was frustrated. So anyway, so she was like out here saying, I help you find clarity on your offer.
And I stopped her and I said, okay, out of all of your ideal clients, that you have worked with. Had any of them not been clear on their offer? She was like, actually, no, their offer was pretty down pack. I literally looked at her and I’m like, then why are you telling people you helped them find clarity on their offer?
You’re speaking to this client that you said was a nightmare to work with because you’re taking their words. And you’re saying, Hey, this is what I do. And I said, but then all your other idle clients already had clarity on their offer. And she was like yeah, like I’d say 95 percent of them had clearly an offer, there’s like a few things we needed to tweak.
I’m like, but did they hire you to get clarity on their offer? Or did they already think they were clear on their offer? She’s Oh, they already thought they were clear in their offer. She’s there were just like, one or two things we needed to tweak once I looked at it, but no, that wasn’t a problem they were trying to solve.
So I looked at her and I was like, then why are you telling people you helped them find clarity on their offer? You’re just going to attract more people who want clarity on their offer when you’re great clients that you’ve worked with already have clarity on their offer. She’s Oh my gosh, you’re totally right.
I see it. All the time. I’ve also seen this happen too, and I talked about this on another podcast episode, but I had one client basically say, that she had I think, eight clients at the time, this one client that just gave her so many issues, couldn’t pay their bill on time. And so they asked, can I have an extended payment plan for this?
For this offer. And my client was like, yeah, I’m just going to let her have an extended payment plan, blah, blah, blah. So then she started marketing the same offer with an extended payment plan. And so I stopped her and I said, why are we offering an extended payment? And it was like a big deal to offer extended payment plan.
Like it wasn’t just a button that she could put on the back end. She had to create a whole new like checkout page, like all these things. And so I asked her, I said, why are you spending hours doing this? Why are you. She was like I’m paying my VA to do it. I’m like then why are you paying your VA to spend hours doing this, right?
She said, oh because, like I already set it up for that one client, I should set it up for all my clients. I said, but I want you to stop for a second. And he said, all of your other clients, your best clients, your favorite, most amazing, aligned clients. Have any of them needed an extended payment plan?
She’s no, actually pretty much all of them paid in full. They didn’t even do a payment plan. I said, do you like payment plans? She was like, no, I actually don’t like payment plans. I actually always buy a full one. I buy. And I said, okay, do you like when your clients have payment plans? She was like, no, not really, because I’m not getting all of the money at one time.
And she was like, and then it takes out more processing fees. And she was like, and sometimes, their car’s not on file. And she was like, and that’s what’s happened. You know what? This, let’s call this client Sarah. She said this and that’s what’s happened with Sarah and I said, so why are we catering and transforming everything in the back end of our business to cater a client?
That you don’t even want to work with. And she was like, Oh my gosh, you’re so right. I was like, what if you didn’t offer a payment plan at all? What if it was just paid in full? Because you’re the business owner and you can do that. And that could be a criteria of your client. And it wasn’t even that expensive.
It wasn’t like, 10, 000. I think it was 2000, right? And her ideal client made over six figures in their business. And so she was like, yeah, 2, 000 is not a large investment for someone who is at that level in their business. And so she was like, and most people who have worked with me, have watched me for a couple weeks and then or saved up and paid in full.
Because they didn’t want to do a payment plan. And she was like, I’ve even talked about that in my content about how a lot of my clients pay in full because they’re committed and they want to get it done. I’m not saying that if you don’t pay in full, you’re not committed. I’m just saying for her particular, that was her ideal client.
Okay. So just FYI because I’ve paid in full and I’ve also done, I’ve also done payment plans. It doesn’t really matter to me, but to her, this was the situation. And she’s like, wow, you’re totally right. So I see this all the time. Is that You guys are making these big changes or you’re speaking to clients that aren’t the best fit clients or you’re taking testimonials from clients who aren’t the best fit clients
Okay, so I hope this was helpful. I know it was very short, very quick, but pay attention to your best fit clients and pay attention to the clients that maybe aren’t the best fit. And again, it’s not meaning they’re a bad client, but pay attention. And are you making decisions off of. The unaligned client, or are you making decisions off of the aligned clients?
Are you speaking to the aligned clients? And if you need help with this, welcome to House of Wilds. It is launching here in the next couple of weeks and it is going to be my membership program all around using astrology and strategy, content strategy. So basically what I’m talking about here. To be able to speak to the energy of your ideal clients as well as speak to them strategically.
And I think it’s going to be absolutely amazing. I’m so super stoked and excited about it. If you want to join the link is in the show notes below, and we would absolutely love to have you and make sure you read the sales page because it does outline who is the perfect fit for this offer. Okay. I’m going to practice what I preach.
Awesome. I hope you guys have the most amazing day and I will catch you on the next episode. Bye.
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