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How can you put yourself in more situations or circumstances that allow you to think like someone who was at a higher level? This is one of the topics we touch on today’s episode to help you get to that next level and to know if you are ready or not.
What you’ll learn
Favorite Quote
“The who comes before the how”
Okay guys, are you ready for a good one? Are you ready for a good one? I know I say that every single week, but. This one is a good one. What I’m going to be talking about in this episode is definitely something that I think needs to be done differently.
In the entrepreneur online space and I really want to talk about something that came up. With one of my clients the other day and I just posted about it on Facebook, but it was something that I feel a lot of people really struggle with. And what happened the other day is I was talking to my client and -she is so close to hitting the six figure mark.
I mean she is probably, I want to say $8,000 away from hitting the six figure mark in her business. And she came to me in frustration and she was like, Ashley, I am so freaking frustrated. I am so close, but I also feel so far away. And I, and then she just with this exasperated, sigh was like, I don’t really just want to be at a higher level.
And I sat there for a minute because there are just so many entrepreneurs that I see struggle with this exact same thought of, I really just want to be at a higher level where I really want to make six figures. I really want to make multiple six figures. I want to make seven figures. I want I want to, to sell out my launch.
I want to make more sales in general. I want to sell a high ticket. And what ends up happening is they, we, I should say we, cause I do it too. We want all of these things, but what ends up happening is we just sit around and want them. I just want them, we don’t actually go out and. Practice having it.
And you might be like how can I practice having it if I don’t have it? That sounds really stupid. But it’s not because here’s the thing. And the example that I used, the example that I used with her was, I said, let’s say you want to be more patient. You don’t just become more patient by wanting to be more patient.
You become patient by practicing patience. And the only way to practice patience is putting yourself in situations that you wouldn’t normally be in patient in. Does that make sense? And so I told her when she said, I just want to be at a higher level. I said then expect to be put in situations. AKA the situation you’re in right now, where you get the opportunity to practice operating, like someone who is already at a higher level.
And I think this is where so many entrepreneurs get stuck is that we think, okay. I really want that. And it will be really nice when I have it, but a lot of the times we’re not actually preparing ourselves to receive it. And, I use this example a lot with my clients, but a lot of them will say oh, I really want.
To make more money in my business, or I really want to bring on these perfect fit clients. And so sometimes I’ll do the scenario of if I hated you 10 perfect fit clients today, right now, would you be able to handle it? Do you think you would be operating at the level that someone needs to operate to be able to handle those clients?
And it’s so funny because a lot of the times they’re like, no, Not at all right. But that’s what we do. We tend to want, but we never actually practiced being the person. Yeah. That already has what we want. And that right there is key. And it was, I think it was facing Damon who said the, who the, who comes before the how. And I love that so much because we can have the, how all day long.
But if we aren’t the person capable of implementing the house, it’s not going to matter. And that’s something that. I really wanted to talk about, because when I say that we, when we really want something, we have to be put in situations or we have to be given opportunities to practice being, or having that.
And a lot of us don’t want to be in those situations, or we don’t want those opportunities because we don’t feel capable. We don’t want to have a negative feeling. We don’t want to feel We don’t want to feel imposter syndrome. We don’t want to feel like we’re not good enough. And if we’re never, if we never embraced the opportunity to practice being, or doing or becoming who we want to be, then we’re never going to become who we want to be.
And, I see this a lot when it comes to my one-on-one clients, because a lot of them. Come to me. And they’re like, I attract clients who aren’t a perfect fit. I try clients who tell me that they can’t that my offer is too expensive or they can’t afford it. And a lot of the times when I dig a little bit deeper, they aren’t even, they aren’t even at the level that they need to be in order to serve the person that they want to serve.
Does that make sense?
It’s such a funny thing, because especially before you hit the six-figure mark I fell into this so many times was that you always want to know the, how, like, how can I reach six figures? How can I remote multiple six figures? How can I reach seven figures? And. Really at the end of the day, you can’t have all the strategy in the world.
I can tell you right now. Step-by-step how, like the tactics, the physical, how to reach, six years, multiple six figures even cause I’m at a multiple six figure, mark. I can tell you all those tactics. I can tell you step by step, but if you’re not the person. Who is capable of taking those tactics and strategies and practicing them, then they’re not going to matter to you.
And this is why guys. Why I do idle clients so differently than other people in the industry. That’s why I break down idle client is what I call the foray. And I’ve talked about that with work. We look at what assets they already have, what actions they’ve already taken, what abilities they have and what awareness they already have, because we just, because someone wants what you offer and they can afford it.
Doesn’t mean they’re a perfect fit. And you have to become the who before you can have the, how right. You have to be the Fu before you can have the how. And I just, I don’t know. I wanted to come on and do a little rant because I got a little fired up about it. I posted it on my I posted it on my Facebook page and then I was like, I have a couple of minutes before I need to leave my office.
I want to go live on Instagram and hit record on soon. So I can do this as podcast, episode. It really is something that I see a lot of entrepreneurs fall into. They fall into that trap of really wanting something, but then they resist the opportunity to practice getting what they want or becoming the person who’s capable of having what they want.
We’re afraid of failure. Probably hear the sirens again in downtown. We have the fear of failure. We have a fear of success. We think we’re not good enough. Like all of these things, right? All of these things that really at the end of the day are really holding us back. So this was a, I think it was probably the shortest episode I’ve ever done, but I really want to encourage you to.
Possibly ask yourself how can you put yourself in more situations? How can you can you put yourself in more situations or circumstances that allow you to think, like someone who was at a higher level, like someone who is where you want to be? One easy way that I do this is I journal a lot of the times, right?
Let’s say I want to reach seven figures, which, I do eventually want to reach seven figures. If I say, would seven figure Ashley do this, or what would that be bigger actually do. How would seven-figure actually handle this? How has seven figure Ashley, think about this? How would she react to this?
How would she feel? How would she spend her day? And I go ahead and start in. Bodying that? First of all, I also say what would seven-figure Ashley. About myself, about my business, about my clients and I practice, I intentionally practice those thoughts every single day. I intentionally practice those thoughts and burry single day.
And by practicing those thoughts I start to feel like I’m reaching that level and I start to take action from already being at that level. And that allows me to get to my level a lot faster, it allows me to get to where I want to be a lot faster. And that is exactly what I told my client is that if you want to be at a higher level than expect to be put in situations or opportunities to practice being someone at a higher level, don’t run from it.
Don’t resist those opportunities, practice being, practice, being a person. Who’s already where you want to be it’s game changer. So I just wanted to come on and talk about that again. I think this is probably going to be the shortest podcast episode in the history of my podcast. And that’s fine, but that’s just your little inspiration for today.
So I hope that you all have an amazing rest of your day. And we’ll talk to you later. Bye.
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